Fat Freezing – Non Surgical Liposuction

Fat Freezing – Non Surgical Liposuction

…it takes just a single session to reduce fat by 30-60% !

Surgery-free Liposuction in your lunch break – SAFE and effective.
Lose 30-60% of fat in 1 session FOR EVER !

The newest technology intense fat freezing with THERM SHOCK sucks up fat and freezes it to death without damaging the skin or nerves.

We are one of the very few places to offer Heat and Light Therapy. This means no scars or blisters! The Heat together with Red Light enhance collagen and elastin production in the treatment area and the Green Light reduces the skin edema during the freezing treatment.

This Fat-eliminating treatment had come to Britain from the U.S.
Fire and Ice tackles not just fat, but also skin tone. You will not only see inches disappear, but also witness the skin become smoother and tighter.

The treatment is, in fact, a combination of two distinct therapies.
1.The Ice part involves killing fat cells by freezing them. Because we don’t develop many new fat cells after puberty, what makes us fat is not the production of more fat cells, but rather the filling of those we already have. If the fat cells aren’t there, they can’t fill up.
2.The Fire part 
generates heat under the skin, to stimulate the body’s natural healing reactions, creating more collagen and elastin fibres causing it to tighten and then regenerate.


Fat freezing is an alternative to liposuction.

It is a non-invasive, non-scar and non-surgical procedure that is NOT painful. Fat freezing procedure was discovered in 2008 by Dermatologists Dieter Manstein and R. Rox Anderson, of the Harvard Medical School. The research showed that subcutaneous fat cells are naturally more vulnerable to the effects of cold than other surrounding tissue and can be selectively destroyed without damaging the overlying skin. Within several days of receiving the treatment, cooled fat cells begin a process called Apoptosis (natural cell death) and begin to shrink and disappear.



Some stubborn fat cells are immune to diet and exercise. Fat freezing targets and cools fat cells to temperatures that target fat cell apoptosis. There is no damage to nerves or other tissues because lipids in fat crystalize at a warmer temperature than water in other cell types. Following the treatment, fat cells enter an apoptotic death sequence and are gradually removed in the next few days and weeks by the immune system. The fat layer thickness is significantly reduced. Fat reduction in targeted areas leads to an improvement in flank appearance.

You should not be worried that this dead fat would put your liver or kidneys under strain. The studies carried out in the US show that the dead fat cells are digested by white blood cells in the immune system. The studies also showed that the treatment does not damage your skin or nerves, and that a single procedure could shrink the fat in the area being treated by an average of 30-60%.
Results aren’t instant but effects are visible in around 4 weeks. It may take up to 14 weeks to see the ​final result.

Verdict? Fat freezing is safe, fast and works!

The ideal candidate is within two stone of their ideal body weight and has pockets of pinchable soft fat on muffin tops, flanks, back fat, abdomen and inner thighs.



4 areas or more £600.00   (Saves 60% – comes to £150 per area

3 areas                 £585.00   (Saves 50% – comes to £195 per area)

2 areas**             £490.00   (Saves 50% – comes to £195 per area)

1 area*                £390.00   £195.00 (Half Price!)



1 area*       £420.00   £210.00 (Half Price!)

4 areas or more £660.00   (Saves 60% – comes to £165 per area


*1 area = 1 handle application : Lower or Upper Tummy, Tummy with Super Size Aplicator, 1 Love Handle, 1 Inner Thigh, 1 Side of Hip, 1 Upper Arm, 1 Knee, 1 Calve

*1 area would be for Lower Tummy or Upper Tummy or Tummy with Super Size Applicator
**2 areas would be for Love Handles or Inner Thights or Outer Thighs or Bottocks or Upper Arms or Back Fat

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